Inquiry supports ICVAs work to end “inhumane and unlawful” strip search practices

The unnecessary and frequent use of degrading strip searches and use of anti-rip clothing was condemned in the Baird Inquiry report, released today. ICVA issued an update report today on the progress of its recommendations to end intrusive practices and bring enhanced scrutiny of record keeping on strip searches. The recommendations came from an ICVA […]

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NPM Annual Conference 2024

Last week I was very happy to attend the annual National Preventive Mechanism Conference in Cardiff. The United Kingdom National Preventive Mechanism (UKNPM) was established in March 2009 after the UK ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) in December 2003. It is […]

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Menopause in Police Custody

Menopause in Police Custody: Progress in establishing a new referral pathway and sharing of good practice in NPM. The menopause is a natural, hormonal transition, and yet only now is the understanding of symptoms and impact of those symptoms beginning to be more widely understood and acknowledged in society, but what awareness and care is […]

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ICVA Chair Announcement

ICVA is delighted to announce that a new, permanent Chair has been appointed at the Board of Directors. Dame Anne Owers joins ICVA from her most recent tenure as the Chair of the Independent Monitoring Board. Dame Anne has an incredible career throughout the Criminal Justice System, most recently as the first non-executive National Chair […]

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Lux Lighting in Custody – An Impact Report

ICVA surveys schemes about important issues in custody visiting on a monthly basis. This month ICVA has focussed on measuring the impact that Sussex OPCC, with assistance from ICVA, along with the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and College of Policing (CoP) have had in their work on lighting levels in custody. This report gives […]

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Celebrating Volunteers – Dogs in Custody

The below blog is a brief interview with two wonderful ICVs from the Cleveland scheme who discuss their experience of bringing along their service dog Kelly on visits. We would like to thank them for their contribution to the scheme and custody visiting as a whole and for their time to write this lovely blog […]

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ICV schemes prevent torture and ill treatment of detainees and deliver effective oversight of police custody in order to ensure a safe environment and deliver public reassurance.

About the ICVA


ICVA’s suite of training materials equips ICVs with in-depth knowledge of latest best practices required to fulfil their role - from interpersonal communication skills to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE).

About support schemes


ICVA represents ICVs in the NPM, alongside Independent Custody Visitors Scotland and the Northern Ireland Policing Board Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.

About the NPM